Bus Crime - Eyre Bus Drivers Protecting Their Students From Harassment?
Sean Patrick Wilsons first brush with death came when he jumped onto a crowded bus while it was waiting to departure and got struck by lightning. A passing truck then smashed a car in his attempt to stop him. After this he became the subject of a series of grisly murders, which he blamed the police for. When arrested, Sean Patrick was taken to the police station where he was treated violently, then held overnight without food or water.
A week after his arrest, Stacy Wilson was found dead of a bullet to the back of her head. Sean Patrick Wilsons immediate reaction was to accuse the police of brutality, murder and torture. He even went as far as to say that they had killed his wife, starved him to death and electrocuted him. All of these statements were untrue however. The fact is that the police had nothing to do with this death.
In another case, Wilsons son told interrogators that his father had confessed to the killing and implicated his friend and neighbor. The neighbor, meanwhile, denied involvement and said he only helped his friend to get rid of a suspect. The police were not stacy wilson bus crime.
Another case involved an eighteen-year-old boy who was walking home from school when he was approached by two men. One of them demanded cash from him and took him to a gas station to exchange the money for drugs. He managed to escape and contacted the local police. Officers recovered money and records which indicated that the suspects were minors. No formal charges were filed against the suspects.
In one of the more notorious incidents, a young girl was on her way to school one day when she was attacked by a serial rapist and killed. She survived the attack but lost her virginity to the man later. A letter written by the suspect to the mother and daughter explaining the circumstances leading up to the incident provided no clear indication of why the attack occurred. This, in turn, has led to speculation that the girl was possibly forced to commit suicide because of the extent of her injuries.
Most of the Crime Bus cases involve a group of teenagers or young adults who travel from school to nearby towns, often on Friday and Saturday nights. Many times, however, an incident occurs on a bus where there are adult passengers. The offenders take advantage of the opportunity to assault passengers while they are on the way to or from school. They force the victims to get out of the bus, rape them, rob them, or force them to get inside a cargo van which is later robbed of cash and goods. Such bus crime is a growing problem throughout the UK and has been blamed on the decline in social networks and the easy availability of transport.
It is easy to see how the criminals can target school students because most young people rely on their social network to identify people they want to befriend and get into contact with. Social networks have also given many teenagers the confidence and courage to try new things they would never do in real life. Unfortunately, as the trusted and popular teenage crowd falls away, it leaves no choice but for some young people to prey on other vulnerable teenagers by using the excuse of getting off the bus at a "station" to rob them. These crimes are much easier to commit than it would be for a bus driver to stop a bus full of school students and ask them to get off.
While it may seem impossible to prevent such crimes from happening, it is possible to prevent bus crime. It is important for parents to monitor the activity of their children while they are riding public transportation. Furthermore, they should be alert for signs that their child is trying to run away from a stranger and look out for any signs of distress. If you feel that your child has been a victim of this type of crime, contact the authorities immediately and do not overlook this case.
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