How to Spot Fake Acetaminophen Laced Ecstasy Pills
For many people wondering how to spot fake Fentanyl Laced Ecstasy pills, there are several common signs that they are not authentic. Some of these are quite similar to the real thing. If a seller is selling what looks like real drugs but at much cheaper prices, but the quality is not up to par, it may be a good idea to avoid this dealer.
It should be obvious that most dealers understand the risk in selling fake drugs. After all, they do not want to get arrested. As a result, they will usually test the pills with anoxia, to make sure they do not contain active ingredients. An anoxic environment will react in the body, causing nausea and a variety of other side effects.
Because of these dangers, it is very important to know how to spot fake Fentanyl laced ecstasy pills. Be sure to ask the dealer about how he/she tests for purity. Any credible supplier of recreational drugs will have no problem at all sharing sample samples with anyone who questions their product purity. This is a sure way of minimizing the chances of your acquiring fake Fentanyl.
Another good indicator of the quality of the fake drugs is their packaging. It is illegal to sell these types of drugs in any condition other than the original container. It is also highly recommended that a buyer look for a brown sealed box. While it is very possible to find sealed white boxes on fake drugs, brown boxes are highly encouraged because they indicate that the drugs were packed with real material. Ask the seller if he/she will allow you to open the package to check for authenticity.
A very good way of testing the purity of your drug is by finding out the ingredients. If the Fentanyl is only a part of a larger chemical compound, then it may be easy to mix them together. However, if the Fentanyl is sold in its whole form, such as in an almost transparent powdery substance, then it is very unlikely that it was sold legitimately. Ask the seller if he/she will share their ingredients with you. If they refuse, then it is highly likely that the fake pills were not sold and that the seller is selling them for profit.
The strength of the fake Fentanyl is also a strong indicator. Only sell drugs that are 100% legal. Ask the seller if they got the fake drugs from a friend or from a distributor. If the seller refuses to give you the name of their supplier, then you must stay away from them because this means they are selling drugs that are not legit. If the seller cannot prove they got the drugs from a legitimate source, then they are not legit and may be dangerous to others.
The appearance of the fake Fentanyl can be an even stronger indicator. If the seller mixes the fake drugs with other substances, such as pills, then it is even more difficult to tell the difference between real and fake. Some sellers will use different colors or styles to disguise the drugs but do not be fooled. This is why it is important to get the seller's real name and address. If you can verify the address, then you can be sure the drugs were ordering online, but it is also possible that the seller is using a fake address and is just trying to run away with your money. Always ask for the seller's real name and phone number when dealing with counterfeit drugs.
When looking for a good party supply store where you can buy wholesale fake Fentanyl, never buy from an individual seller. You should always buy from a bulk order website because they will sell at a discounted price, making it easier on the seller. Always keep in mind that no matter how much a drug might be discounted, if it is being sold in bulk, then it is not being sold for cheap. Always ask the supplier how to spot fake Fentanyl and other drugs.
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