James Brewer: How he overcome the fraud charges and founded a revolutionary abs training program
James Brewer, a former certified fitness teacher and the creator of the R2B Training System, recounts how beat-speed training influenced his workouts in unique ways. The Abs NonStop Workout, and possibly the beginnings of a new revolutionary fitness concept, were impacted by the same training procedure.
James saw firsthand how an instructor's choice of music, particularly song tempo, could affect the enthusiasm and energy level of those participating in any fitness activity, so he thought about how it could be used in different activities and came up with the concepts for what he later called beat-speed training.
The Absolute Beat-Speed Principle is the name given to these music-fitness principles. It's a novel new fitness method in which music is used to boost various workouts by simply changing the pace of any given music track for the goal of programming and assessing the intensity of a specific fitness activity.
Consider how beneficial a good beat-speed program could be to your whole health and fitness routine. It's ideal for all levels of exercise... beat-fitness is a workout program that adapts to an individual's particular pace for any personal activity. No more dreading yet another tedious workout! No more wasting time trying to find the proper training at the right time to fit into your hectic schedule. Regardless of the time of day, your age, or your fitness level, the R2B Training System will motivate, transform, and enhance your fitness routine. From individual to group training, from running, walking, and biking to jumping rope, weight and circuit training, or any other exercise activity you can think of, the R2B Training System will motivate, transform, and enhance your fitness routine.
Prior to the R2B Training System, James attended college and performed different part-time jobs while also starting a small security guard agency. When the unforeseen development of the guard service became much more than he could handle, James dropped out of school to dedicate his full attention to the needs of the developing business.
Before the business took a turn for the worst, James owned and operated the security service for numerous years. As a result, he spent less time with the security company and more time with a different business consulting organization. His commercial ventures flourished and flopped during the next few years. Projects that had the potential to be profitable in the future failed to materialize. In order to keep his firm solvent, he accepted dubious advice, which ultimately contributed to his company's destruction. Investor lawsuits followed, followed by criminal charges filed by both state and federal agencies.
James was sentenced to six years in jail in 2006 after being arrested on multiple crimes. He says that they were some of the most difficult years of his life. James struggled not only with the reality that he was now a convicted felon, but also with the understanding that his actions had caused pain and financial difficulty to his family, friends, and acquaintances. The only thing that kept him from sinking into despair was his great faith and confidence in God.
He held specific job positions in prison and started a few inmate-led support groups, one of which was a philanthropic organization that raised over $100,000 in its first year and donated it to various local public help and assistance agencies.
During this time, James kept up a regular training routine, which included a core workout in which he used music at a rate that corresponded to his own sit-up pace. He went from struggling to accomplish more than 50 consecutive elbow-to-knee sit-ups to completing over 700 sit-ups every workout. All of this happened in just a few weeks of using beat-speed in conjunction with his routine.
James increased the time of his training on a regular basis, and to his surprise, he could now do almost 1500 consecutive sit-ups. James decided to play around with the music-beat and tracking notions he'd been using up to this point. Every few months, he increased his sit-ups by 50-100. It resulted in a personal best of 1800 uninterrupted sit-ups at the time.
An article titled "Record Book" in the June 2011 issue of Men's Journal magazine reported that an Australian man held the world record for the most sit-ups completed in one hour — 2,238. James' sit-up program had been done at a relaxed and moderate speed. I'd have to increase his average sit-up count by over ten sit-ups per minute to meet the one-hour record.
With his curiosity peaked, James set out to put his music and beat speed thoughts to the test. He started with a timed sit-up routine, focusing on increasing his total number of sit-ups while increasing the music's beats-per-minute. James unofficially smashed the world record for sit-ups by 35 in less than a month. In the months that followed, he broke the one-hour record by more than 300 sit-ups on multiple occasions, with a personal best of 2640 uninterrupted sit-ups in one hour. He seriously began to promote the idea of the Absolute Beat-Speed Principle and the R2B Training System at this time.
James has worked hard to spread and promote the R2B concepts in all fields of fitness since his release. Hundreds of people have benefited from his personal assistance in achieving their fitness goals. Most importantly, James promoted the concept of a self-contained sit-up device, which led to the creation of the AbMax300 Abformer with the support of others. The AbsMax300, when combined with the R2B technique, has a success record of over 90% in assisting persons in achieving the ability to execute 300+ uninterrupted sit-ups.
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