Funny Skeleton Jokes
Funny Skeleton Jokes and Puns There was a story going around about this popular Halloween story. A little boy went trick or treating. One of the other kids decided to join in the fun by making a ghost out of a skeleton. The little boy was soon sharing in the fun when he made his ghost come alive. It is the laughter from the other kids that have made this story a classic.
So where did this funny bone come from? How could a French dead skeleton make a good punch line for funny skeleton jokes? Humor is always derived from the simplest things. When we think about the big bad wolf, we don't see him as a cute stuffed animal, we see him as a brutesome bad-boy. But if we place the little boy in a situation where he has to be the good guy, then the image of the vengeful old geezer becomes the most hilarious one.
So how can a ghost come alive and make funny skeleton jokes? The answer is that it comes from funny bone puns. These are guns that take an item or event from a completely different dimension. A giant gerbil is a gerbil, but if we replace gerbils with some other animals we find ourselves in a very interesting world.
There are some great examples of funny skeleton jokes and puns right here on Wikipedia. What are we looking for? Something that defies time and definition? Something that makes you stop and smell the roses?
Humorous bone and pencil drawings have been around for ages. People have been making jokes out of bones for as long as people have been writing and drawing them. The funny skeleton jokes are only coming along recently.
Some examples of funny skeleton jokes are: Old Stone Ogeirik's "bonehead" (he was an old caveman), the severed head of a turkey on a mantel, and a turkey head on a stick. The mantel is actually where Old Stone Ogeirik lived. He carved the piece of meat himself to look like a turkey head and hung it on the wall. Nobody else could figure out the joke.
If you don't know where to start making your own funny jokes, there are plenty of examples on Wikipedia. It seems like everybody finds the sight of funny jokes unsettling. In fact, some people find the sight of puns disturbing.
You can make up your own collection of funny jokes, if you find that you are still not in tune with popular culture. If you want to share your favorite Halloween stories, there is no better way than to tell them to other folks. Nobody will laugh at your story the way it sounds when you tell it to them. You can also join in on some mop jokes for Halloween on your own Facebook page. There are many people who are fans of hearing mop jokes.
Funny mop up jokes have a variety of levels of complexity. If you just want to start with a one liners, you can do that. Mop up jokes involving people who are afraid of the dark, include "A skeleton walks into a bar. Then he sees a snake, a cat, and three heads turning in the corner."
"A skeleton key finds himself locked in a dusty old attic. On each side of the key is a sign for 'No entry.' The skeleton decides to ignore the sign and enter. He finds himself in a dark, dim underground facility. He tries to listen to the soft creaking of the doors, but all he can hear are the bones cracking. Finally he collapses into a dusty, wet cave, exhausted."
For the most advanced funny skeleton puns, you might start out with some mop up before you put on your come-up. Some examples might include "A woman dressed as a vampire bites an attractive man. When the vampire tries to pull off her costume, she screams like a Ripper.
You might also try some Halloween jokes about old skeletons or the evil spirit of Halloween. For example, if you're going to make a quick and easy Halloween jokes about skeletons, why not start out with the classic: "Old Skeleton? Who wants to be friends with an old skeleton? Not me! Everyone hates old Skeletons!"
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